at SLAS 2018 and PITTCON 2018

Visit Our Booths and You Will Love Our Products and Services

The Good Liquid HandlingTM Kits provide users with everything necessary to verify and calibrate their systems to industry standards. They provide reliable instrument services, products, and training. Kits are medically manufactured to ensure quality and performance.

The GLH Kits provide users with liquid classes, methods and recommendations for automated pipetting for any scenario. With three different Kits available for purchase, there is something sure to meet your needs.

They have a $50 test kit up to a few thousand dollars solution that can bring the test to few dollars a test. A unique feature, included in the Kit, Good Liquid Handling’s integrated software, GLHTrackerTM , allows for results to be uploaded to a cloud based resource that can be accessed by additional team members as well as the Good Liquid Handling experts for troubleshooting or consultations.

The tracker lets users drag and drop through a Webdav collaboration platform ( to share methods and exchange data for processing or sharing through one’s optional LinkedIn account. Kits support a wide range of volumetric measurements and are compatible with 96 or 384 well plates.

GoodPipetting.comTM , a Division of Automation Trainer, LLC ( has been working to provide innovative solutions, products and training for over 20 years.

They are showcasing their products in partnership with Click Bio, who provide smarter labware, at SLAS 2018, Monday, February 5th in the evening from 6:42 pm to 7:22 pm.

Come listen to the Automation Trainer LLC pitch at Late Night with LRIG. Learn about their new Kit products and practices.

On Tuesday, February 6th , come listen to the Reproducibility Study using Good Liquid Handling TM Products, will be presented by Jason Dickman from Roche, as part of the Automation Quality Control Special Interest Group, Location 14B, 8:00 am-9:15 am.

The Reproducibility Study that engaged Stanford University, University of Berlin, Abcam, Progenity and Roche will also be presented by Arben Koshi from Abcam and Jason Dickman from Roche at 2:00pm on Tuesday. To support their customers with data analysis, data tracking, and reporting their GLHTrackerTM (Good Liquid Handling Data Results Tracker) pre-release software will be demonstrated showing their workflow, data analysis, and reporting cloud system that will continue to support labs needing their non-internet based solution. has partnered with StackWave (a prior Innovation AveNEW awardee) to integrate GLHTracker and provide Electronic Notebook, LIMS, and Laboratory Asset Management systems at the events.

Automation Trainer has partnered with (the top certified Information Technology Training and Consulting firm) to provide IT and informatics related data management and reporting integration services with SAP, IBM Cognos, IBM Maximo, Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services and Oracle Reporting Services. has been around pre-dot com winning an award from CNET radio and is the most proficient for the niche.

Automation Trainer is providing three short courses on Good Liquid Handling, Validation, and Laboratory Asset Management at PITTCON2018.

Join the Networking Conferee event hosted at PITTCON2018. The session is focused on discussions about ISO and NIST requirements for Volume Verification, Validation and Calibration of Automated Liquid Handling and Pipetting Systems.

They have several presentations on Essential ISO standards for Liquid Handling and Pipetting and Real-time monitoring of a Process Laboratory Experimentation and Review of Laboratory Asset and Facility Management.

Come chat with on the Exhibition floor, Win a price in their Good Liquid Handling TM competition at SLAS booth 1829 Innovation AveNEW or 1505 with ClickBio at SLAS 2018 February 5-6 10am-6pm and the 7 th 10-1pm PST!

They are happy to demonstrate the Kits and answer questions. See you at the Events! Cheers!

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